95% of my former colleagues are still heavily committed to vaxxing every human who walks, crawls, or dodders.
Even when one of them experienced "sudden and unexpected" (about a thousand patients, colleagues ,and notables at his memorial!) no one has the insight to mention the Emperor's wardrobe.
I have, of course, been dismissed and disrespected for understanding the scam, and our courts have dismissed virtually every attempt to make the government respect and adhere to our Charter.
It is important that you continue to write about this. Thank you.
“It won’t change the fact that when their commitment to the concrete letter of the law was tested, they failed.” Great post. You nailed the important reasons the current military leadership, culture, and structure is broken and not to be trusted.
After listening for a bit I have a contention with his point on officialdom. As it stands its a pack of lies, but I don’t think this is an inherent property of officialdom, which can serve an incredibly valuable function if it isn’t fraudulent by establishing a shared understanding useful for facilitating prosocial networks. The big problem is this can’t really happen while the money is fake, because the people who control the fake money control officialdom and existentially require officialdom to affirm a lie, namely that fake money is real.
The constitution served this function to some extent during the periods of time in our nation’s history when the money wasn’t fake, and it can do so again. In any case, I don’t see any hope whatsoever to have a cohesive country that is real outside the constitutional covenant. There isn’t any other unifying feature of our government a majority of people even pay lip service to. Even restoring that covenant though would take a massive transvaluation of values that has to occur despite the money being fake. I’m working on a long effort that will address some of this.
A great reminder that there are objective boundaries and the oaths taken to honor those boundaries are being lost in the corrupt philosophical rationalizations of self-righteous virtue signaling.
This all reminds me of the Satanic ploy made to Eve in the Garden of Eden... "Did God actually say..."
Only here, these self-serving interpretations of constitutional obligations amount to, "what the Constitution says for me, and probably not thee."
This is even more evident in the medical field.
95% of my former colleagues are still heavily committed to vaxxing every human who walks, crawls, or dodders.
Even when one of them experienced "sudden and unexpected" (about a thousand patients, colleagues ,and notables at his memorial!) no one has the insight to mention the Emperor's wardrobe.
I have, of course, been dismissed and disrespected for understanding the scam, and our courts have dismissed virtually every attempt to make the government respect and adhere to our Charter.
It is important that you continue to write about this. Thank you.
“oath breakers who dominate the institution to escape accountability for their malfeasance”.
Ah but their fortunes wane.
“It won’t change the fact that when their commitment to the concrete letter of the law was tested, they failed.” Great post. You nailed the important reasons the current military leadership, culture, and structure is broken and not to be trusted.
You sound like you're ready to listen to Legalman.
This guy is droll AF, thanks for sharing.
After listening for a bit I have a contention with his point on officialdom. As it stands its a pack of lies, but I don’t think this is an inherent property of officialdom, which can serve an incredibly valuable function if it isn’t fraudulent by establishing a shared understanding useful for facilitating prosocial networks. The big problem is this can’t really happen while the money is fake, because the people who control the fake money control officialdom and existentially require officialdom to affirm a lie, namely that fake money is real.
The constitution served this function to some extent during the periods of time in our nation’s history when the money wasn’t fake, and it can do so again. In any case, I don’t see any hope whatsoever to have a cohesive country that is real outside the constitutional covenant. There isn’t any other unifying feature of our government a majority of people even pay lip service to. Even restoring that covenant though would take a massive transvaluation of values that has to occur despite the money being fake. I’m working on a long effort that will address some of this.
A great reminder that there are objective boundaries and the oaths taken to honor those boundaries are being lost in the corrupt philosophical rationalizations of self-righteous virtue signaling.
This all reminds me of the Satanic ploy made to Eve in the Garden of Eden... "Did God actually say..."
Only here, these self-serving interpretations of constitutional obligations amount to, "what the Constitution says for me, and probably not thee."
“…does the Constitution actually say…?”